ASCA CH Carolina Calais First We're Gunna Dance "Rip"

Date of Birth: June 16, 2020 | Height: 21 inches | Weight: 48 lbs | Bite: Full Dentition/Scissors
OFA Hips: Good (AS-41782G24M-P-VPI) | OFA Elbows: Normal (AS-EL15985M24-P-VPI) | Eyes: Cleared Annually
CEA: Clear | CD: Clear | DM: Clear | HSF4: Clear | HUU: Clear | IGS: Clear | MDR1: Clear | CMR1: Clear | NCC: Clear | PHA: Positive | PRA: Clear

Owned by: Michael McGuire & Krystal McGuire & Hannah McGuire | Bred By: Elizabeth Stibley, Terri Morgan, Selena Poplin


Rip is standing at stud to approved bitches. Contact us for his stud packet.



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AKC CH HaromonyHill Halifax Shiraz
BISS HOF ASCA CH AKC CH Harmony Hill's True Lies AKC CH Harmony Hill's Pay Per View
AKC CH Trouble Brewin At Stormridge
AKC CH Bayouland's Tight Squeeze HOF AKC/ASCA CH Broadway's Blaze of Glory RE OA OAJ CGC HOF ASCA CH AKC CH Heatherhill Sweet TalkinDude STDs RS-N CD HS OA OAJ
Broadways Bonnie Blue
AKC CH Lil' Creek's Hug Me Tight HOF AKC CH ASCA CH McMatt's EZ Going OA NAJ
AKC CH Lil' Creek's Bushfire Blonde
AKC/ASCA CH Calais Carolina It's All Peachy HOF ASCA CH AKC CH Eminence Of The Mighty Crown AKC GCH ASCA CH Windypine Autumn Storm RN HOF AKC/ASCA CH Broadways Blaze of Glory RE OA OAJ CGC DNA-CP
Windypine Heaven Cent
Northbay's Incognito CH Lyric's Night and Day
Northbay's Just Wingin' It!
HOF CH Calais Carolina Shake Ur Money Maker HOF GCH Harmony Hills Money Talks CH Justamere Rockin the Rockies CGC
HOF CH Harmony Hills True Lies
HOF CH Calais Carolina Stellar Performance HOF CH Carolinas Rave Reviews CD STDc ATDds
CH Calais Carolina Cassie





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